The American state of Oregon has opened a shelter for cats that suffer from Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, a feline version of HIV.

The shelter provides cats with FIV a place to live without the possibility of spreading the virus to other cats.
Brooke Nuckles Gentekos, Executive Director of Sanctuary One, said, “We hope to change the practice of euthanizing cats when they’re found to have the virus. FIV slowly but severely weakens a cat’s immune system, but with proper care they can live longer.”
According to a statement by the U.S. Humane Society’s senior Oregon director and western regional director, FIV is not curable, but manageable. Cats should not be branded by this disease, but rather given the same opportunity for a loving and caring home like any other cat in a shelter environment.
The cat cottage can have up to five FIV-positive cats. The facility has air conditioning and heat. There are also play structures and seating for visiting school groups.