CLIMB is a collaboration between academic and computing staff at the University of Warwick and the Universities of Bath, Birmingham, Cardiff and Swansea.

‘CLIMB is a collaboration between academic and computing staff at the University of Warwick and the Universities of Bath, Birmingham, Cardiff and Swansea.’

Professor Mark Pallen iof Microbial Genomics at the University of Warwick is the principal investigator on the project. He said: "CLIMB represents a user-friendly, one-stop shop for sharing software and data between medical microbiologists in the academic and clinical arenas." 

"Using the cloud means that rather than dozens, or even hundreds, of research groups across the country having to set up and maintain their own servers, users can access shared pre-configured computational resources on demand."
Key to the set-up is the concept of virtualisation, which allows users to work in a simulated computer environment populated by virtual machines (VMs), which sit on top of the physical hardware, but look to the user just like conventional servers. Four of the universities involved each has the same equipment installed, which will work as an integrated system. It offers researchers huge data storage capabilities, very high-memory research servers for maximum performance and integration with relevant biological databases.
The project is funded by the UK's Medical Research Council and is supported by three world-class medical research fellows and two newly refurbished bioinformatics facilities at the Universities of Warwick and Swansea.
With improvements in sequencing technologies, generating genomic data sets has become much easier. However, many academics don't have the access to the resources that they need to perform the subsequent bioinformatics analyses.
Nick Loman, CLIMB research fellow at the University of Birmingham said: "We have already used CLIMB to analyse and share data from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. This represents a step-change in collaborative working, particularly when faced with public health emergencies".
The system has already seen early exploratory use by Public Health Wales, Public Health England and the Animal and Plant Health Agency. The academics hope that their approach using virtualisation will obtain national or international accreditation.