Several factors may contribute to the transmission of chronic pain, including genetics, effects on early development, social learning, and more.

‘Several factors may contribute to the transmission of chronic pain from parents to children, including genetics, effects on early development, social learning, and more.’

Knowing that offspring of parents with chronic pain are at increased risk of developing chronic pain, as well as the adverse mental and physical health outcomes associated with chronic pain, Drs. Stone and Wilson developed an "integrative conceptual model" to explore possible explanations for this risk. 

The researchers identify five 'plausible mechanisms' to explain the transmission of chronic disease risk from parent to child:
- Genetics: Children of parents with chronic pain might be at increased genetic risk for sensory as well as psychological components of pain. Research suggests that genetic factors may account for roughly half of the risk of chronic pain in adults.
- Early Neurobiological Development: Having a parent with chronic pain may affect the features and functioning of the nervous system during critical periods in early development. For example, a baby's development might be affected by the mother's stress level or health behaviors during and after pregnancy.
- Pain-Specific Social Learning: Children may learn 'maladaptive pain behaviors' from their parents, who may act in ways that reinforce those behaviors. Catastrophizing-exaggerated responses and worries about pain-might be one key factor.
- Exposure to Stressful Environment: There may be adverse effects from growing up in stressful circumstances related to chronic pain-for example, financial problems or parents' inability to perform daily tasks.
"The outlined mechanisms, moderators, and vulnerabilities likely interact over time to influence the development of chronic pain and related outcomes in offspring of parents with chronic pain," Drs. Stone and Wilson note. They hope their model will provide a framework to guide future research-toward the goal of developing effective prevention and treatment approaches for children of parents with chronic pain.