A blind mother in Britain fitted with a ‘bionic eye’ has expressed her joy after she was able to tell the time for the first time in more than five years.

‘Rhian Lewis, 49, has become the first Briton – and the first person outside Germany – to be fitted with the world’s most advanced ‘bionic eye’.’

According to reports, the 49-year-old is the first Briton – and the first person outside Germany – to be fitted with the world’s most advanced ‘bionic eye’.

Actually an aspirin-sized microchip, the implant has been fitted in her right eye – which lost all sight 16 years ago.
Lewis said it ‘felt like Christmas Day’ when she was able to read a clock again and could see a car in the street.
Miss Lewis, who features in tomorrow’s episode of Trust Me, I’m A Doctor on BBC2, said: ‘I walked up the street, and... there was a silver car.
'I couldn’t believe it – the signal was really strong. I was quite teary. Now when I locate something, like a fork on the table, it’s pure elation. It’s pure joy to get it right.’