Pet owners are warned to be careful about a flesh-eating disease that affects dogs in the UK. The cause of the disease is still unknown.

‘Flesh-Eating Disease, a disease similar to that of Alabama Rot is spreading in dogs, which potentially could be the start of an outbreak in the UK.’

Experts say they have identified 60 known cases of Alabama Rot in the UK since it was discovered in the New Forest in 2012. Vets describe about the symptoms of flesh-eating disease and has warned dog owners to look out for these symptoms. If they find anything similar to these, they have asked the owners to visit the vets immediately. The disease is very aggressive and vets can save the dogs only if the disease is detected early.

David Walker, head of internal medicines at vets Anderson Moores, said, "The signs to look out for are often little lesions below the knee or elbow and circular or like an ulcer. The hair will fall off which will get the dog’s attention and they may start licking it. However, the difficulty is not all the lesions will look the same. After lesions begin to appear, over the next two to ten days dog develop kidney failure which can include vomiting, reduced appetite and tiredness."