Barbie doll maker Mattel has been branded irresponsible after the recruitment drive for glamor models as young as 12.

Three girls were chosen. The shoot was to promote Mattel's new Barbie Basics clothing range.he Barbie Fashionistas doll range has turned heads, with scant tops and hotpants sold as optional outfits for the dolls.
Child welfare commentator Melinda Tankard Reist said the fashion shoot and racy doll outfits sent the wrong message to girls.
She said 12-year-old girls could not make an informed decision about participating in a modeling competition.
"They don't need to be paraded and put on show for some company's profits," Reist said.
"The Barbie brand teaches girls that makeup and fashion are what counts. This message limits them," she added.
"Girls' self-esteem fares better when they are not encouraged to focus on fashion, makeup and appearance," she said.