
Advanced Integrated Ayush Hospital for Alternative Medicine to be Setup in Odisha

by Reshma Anand on Aug 18 2015 11:37 AM

National Ayush Mission aims in upgradation of Ayush health delivery systems, quality control of Ayush drugs and promotion of medicinal plants in the state.

Advanced Integrated Ayush Hospital for Alternative Medicine to be Setup in Odisha
The Odisha government plans to set up an advanced integrated Ayush hospital in the State. It aims to bring the alternative systems of medicine as a main stream in the state.
The hospital will be established at an estimated cost of Rs.10.50 crore under the National Ayush Mission which was launched in Odisha by Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak, the State Health and Family Welfare Minister. The 50-bed hospital specializing on Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani and Siddha will be located either in Puri or Berhampur.

“Yoga and Wellness Centers will be set up at major cities like Bhubaneswar, Puri, Berhampur, Sambalpur, Rourkela and Balangir soon. In the Capital City, such centers will come up at seven major parks and offer yoga training under guidance of experts,” said Nayak.

The National Ayush Mission will concentrate on four areas namely upgradation of Ayush health delivery systems and educational institutions, quality control of Ayush drugs and promotion of medicinal plants.

There are 9 hospitals, 619 Ayurvedic dispensaries, 562 homeopathy dispensaries, 9 Unani dispensaries and 1,185 co-locational units like PHCs and CHCs. The hospitals and dispensaries would be upgraded with infrastructure, equipment and quality medicine.

“ Out of 1,021 posts of Ayush doctors, 160 are lying vacant, which will be filled up soon. The three Ayurvedic medical colleges and four homeopathy colleges will also undergo infrastructure development and adequate manpower infusion,” said Dr Basudev Bahinipati, Ayush Mission director.

Efforts will be taken to train traditional healers or Baidyas in adopting good manufacturing practices (GMP) for preparing their medicines. The Government has also decided to adopt a proactive policy to promote medicinal plant gardens in the State. Two villages in Ganjam and Khurda districts will be selected as Ayush villages for promoting the alternative system of medicine.












