Medindia adheres to strict ethical publishing standards in publishing to deliver content that is accurate, relevant, and current. We ensure the integrity of our materials by sourcing from authoritative sources including peer-reviewed journals, academic institutions, research organizations, medical associations and, in some cases, non-profit organizations. We welcome and value audience feedback as a part of our commitment to health literacy and informed decision-making.
- Summary of kidney transplantation - (
- National library of medicine: Kidney transplantation - (
- What is a kidney transplant? - (
- Kidney transplantation: Types - (
- Matching donors and recipients - (
- Indications of kidney transplant - (
- Incompatible blood types and paired exchange programs - (
- Diabetic kidney disease - (
- Kidney transplants - (
- Immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) medicines - (
- Graft and Patient Survival Rates in Kidney Transplantation, and Their Associated Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - (