
Yoga - Obesity

Obesity is a condition that arises, when the body weight exceeds the requisite normal weight. Accumulation of fat deposits in the body tissues results in obesity.

Nature has laid down health laws for all creatures. When a person starts eating beyond a normal limit set before him, he breaks the health law and imbalance sets in. Such a condition of the body is not good for any individual. Indiscriminate eating without any wisdom to control leads to an obese individual. The fast life of modern times has caused this malady, affecting the lives of many.


Causes of obesity

We can attribute many causes to obesity.

  1. Stress plays a vital role in causing obesity. Psychological disturbances propel a person to seek comfort in food -such a person may consume excess food. Children suffering from such disturbances, tend to become obese.
  2. Improper dietary habits can predispose an individual to obesity. When a person starts consuming foods rich in sugar, starch, fats, and highly processed foods, there is extra weight gain.
  3. Technological advancements in modern life has resulted in less physical activity. At homes, people use electrical gadgets that save on hard physical labour, thereby resulting in sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Nervous tension and disturbances in emotional and mental health can lead to obesity.
  5. Improper functioning of the endocrine glands or digestive disorders cause obesity.
  6. Intake of drugs like steroids can make an individual crave for more food and enhances his or her hunger level, resulting in weight gain.
  7. Hereditary factors also play an important part in making a person obese.
