Arthritis: Inflammation of a joint.Bursa: It is fluid-filled sac that is present in joint spaces for smooth gliding and reducing friction.
Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursa.
Cartilage: Firm, rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints.
Decompression: A procedure to remove pressure on a structure, as in decompression of the ulnar nerve in cubital tunnel syndrome.
Dislocation: Displacement of one or more bones at a joint.
Elbow: It is the middle portion of the upper extremity formed by long bones namely humerus, radius and ulna.
Elbow joint: It is a hinge joint formed where the humerus meets the radius and ulna. This joint enables forward, backward, outward and inward movements of the arm.
Fracture: A break in the bone.
Golfers elbow: Pain caused by damage to the tendons that bend the wrist toward the palm.
Joint: Where the ends of two or more bones meet.
Lateral epicondylitis: A painful injury to the tendon that is attached to the outer part of the elbow due to repeated twisting or over use.
Ligaments: A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects the bones and keeps joints stable.
Medial epicondylitis: Pain caused by damage to the tendons that bend the wrist toward the palm.
MRI Scan: Magnetic resonance imaging technique is used to produce high resolution images with minute details using radiowaves, magnetism and computer.
Tendon: Fibrous tissue by which muscle attaches to the bone.
Tendinitis: Inflammation of the tendon.
Tennis elbow: A painful injury to the tendon that is attached to the outer part of the elbow.
Radius: The shorter bone in the forearm on the thumb side.
Ulna: The longer bone in the fore arm.