Dr. Talla Veena's Profile

Dr. Veena is a family physician with over 10 years of experience in various areas of medicine, including Emergency Medicine, Cardiac Care, Respiratory Diseases, Paediatric Care and Geriatric Care. In addition to her medical degree and experience, she has a degree in Health Informatics, and is view more..
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Urinary Incontinence Symptom Evaluation
Urinary incontinence is loss of bladder control causing urine leakage. Severe urine leakage can happen when one coughs, sneezes, or during a sudden urge, where one is unable to visit the restroom in time.

Measles is a viral infection with symptoms of fever,and rashes. Measles is prevented by vaccination and staying away from the infected individuals.

Sprained Arm
Arm sprain is a painful condition that occurs due to excessive stretching, twisting or tearing of a ligament due to heavy force on the joint.

Renal Osteodystrophy | Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral and Bone Disorder
Renal osteodystrophy is mineral bone disorder due to prolonged kidney damage and failure. There is imbalance in the levels of calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin D.

Sex Tips for Seniors
How to maintain a good sex life in old age and what factors cause problems with sex life among the elderly?