Q: Which specialist should I consult for my alcohol dependence problem?
A: You need to see a psychiatrist who is an addiction specialist.
Q: I have an alcohol dependence problem. Is weight loss surgery right for me?
A: Weight loss surgery offers a lot of benefits. You should however consult an addiction specialist before surgery and seek his advice. You may also need to attend regular follow-ups after the surgery to reduce or prevent the risk of alcohol abuse and related problems.
Q: How much alcohol is considered safe after weight loss surgery?
A: The amount varies between person to person, but a simple rule is ‘just one drink after surgery will affect you in the same manner as two or even three before surgery’.
Q: How else can alcohol affect one after weight loss surgery?
A: Remember, alcohol contains calories but not much nutrition. These empty calories, especially if consumed in excess might actually interfere with your weight loss goals.
Q: Which weight loss surgery is better to reduce the risk of alcohol abuse later?
A: Sleeve gastrectomy is associated with a lesser incidence of alcohol abuse.