Fat Deficiency May Lead to Other Disorders

Fat Deficiency May Lead to Other Disorders - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which specialist doctor to consult for Fat Deficiency?

A: A nutritionist/a registered dietitian can be consulted for fat deficiency. General physicians can also help with fat deficiency.


Q: What deficiency diseases are caused by a lack of fats?

A: Lack of fats can lead to skin diseases, heart diseases, mental disorders, and multiple sclerosis.

Q: What are the essential fatty acids?

A: Essential fatty acids are fats that the body cannot produced by itself. They are classified as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These fats should be provided from foods.

Q: What is the good fat called?

A: The good fats are called unsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, fish, and many more.

Q: What are natural fats?

A: Natural fats are those that are naturally found in foods. Fats found in processed foods are called processed fats like the trans fats.

Q: What is the disease caused due to deficiency of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats?

A: Carbohydrate deficiency can lead to malnutrition, weakness, and protein loss. Deficiency of proteins and energy can lead to protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). The deficiency of fats can lead to malnutrition in children, skin diseases, heart diseases, and mental disorders.
