Pyromania | Impulse Control Disorder

Pyromania (Impulse Control Disorder) - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which specialist doctor to consult for pyromania?

A: A psychiatrist or clinical psychologist can be consulted for pyromania.


Q: Is Pyromania curable?

A: Pyromania is manageable but it is not possible as of now, to fully cure an individual of the condition. The symptoms can be treated with therapy and medication.

Q: Is pyromania a mental disorder?

A: Yes, pyromania is a mental illness that falls in the category of impulse control disorders.

Q: How do you know if you’re a pyromaniac?

A: To confirm that one is a pyromaniac an official diagnosis by a mental health professional is required. However, the presence of signs such as fascination with setting fires, tension before the act, relief or pleasure after the act and more than one instance of fire setting can be indicative of the possibility of the disorder.

Q: Is being a pyromaniac bad?

A: Being a pyromaniac is not bad in itself. Yes, the behaviors are problematic and need to be addressed, but the individual isn’t bad altogether. They are facing a mental health issue that is beyond their control. Treatment is available and helps improve symptoms.
