Pinworm / Thread worm Infection

Pinworm | Thread worm Infection - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for pinworm infection?

A: A microbiologist, pediatrician or a general medicine practitioner should be consulted for pinworm infection.


Q: How do humans get pinworms?

A: Pinworms are transmitted through contact with a person who is already infected with worms. Adult female pinworms move into the colon and exit the body through the anus. There they lay eggs in the folds of skin causing anal itching and irritation. When a person scratches the affected area, the pinworm eggs are transferred to the fingers.

Q: Can pinworms get into bloodstream?

A: Pinworms and threadworms generally live in the large intestine and cecum. The pinworm does not usually enter the bloodstream or any other organs except the intestines.

Q: How long can a threadworm live outside the body?

A: Threadworm eggs can survive for up to 2 weeks outside the body (on bedding, clothes, & other objects).
