Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease - Glossary


Lyme disease: A disease caused by bacteria transmitted through the bite of a tick; characterised by fever, rash, and inflammation of the heart and joints.

Medical Word: It is arthritis in children less than 16years with no obvious cause.

Bacterium: A tiny, single-celled micro-organism, commonly known as a germ; some bacteria, called pathogens, cause disease.

Meningitis: Inflammation of the meninges, with both mental and motor symptoms.

Disseminate: Scatter or distribute over a large area or range.

Enzyme Immuno Assay: An assay that is used to detect the presence of an antigen in a sample.

Doxycycline: An antibiotic drug used to treat infection.

Amoxicillin: An antibiotic drug used to treat infection. It belongs to the family of drugs called penicillins or penicillin derivatives.

Ceftriaxone: An antibiotic drug used to treat infection. It belongs to the family of drugs called cephalosporin antibiotics.
