
AIDS/HIV Health Education - Information for HIV infected persons

Information for HIV infected persons

After accidents that result in bleeding, contaminated surfaces should be cleaned with household bleach freshly diluted 1:10 in water.

Devices that have punctured the skin, eg, hypodermic and acupuncture needles, should be steam-sterilized by autoclaving before reuse or should be safely discarded.

Infected person should inform to medical or dental care providers that they are seropositive, so that appropriate precautions taken to prevent transmission to others.

Seropositive health care professionals who perform invasive procedures or have skin lesions should take precautions to protect patients from the risk of infection.

Children with positive tests should be allowed to attend school, since casual person-to-person contact of school children poses no risk. But a restricted environment is advisable for children who lack control of their body secretions, has biting behavior, having oozing lesions.

Dental instruments should be heat sterilized between patients. Whenever possible, disposable needles and equipments should be used.
