
The Importance Of Vitamin D Supplements

by Medindia Content Team on Jun 15 2004 3:02 PM

Latest research shows vitamin D deficiency is an unrecognized and prevalent health problem. Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and bone growth during childhood and adolescence and is believed to help protect against health problems, such as diabetes, hypertension, multiple sclerosis and cancer.

Researchers looked at the vitamin D levels in 307 adolescents during their annual physical examinations. 74 of the patients were vitamin D deficient, and 14 had severe deficiencies. If researchers use a broader definition of vitamin D deficiency, 129 patients were considered lacking vitamin D. When they looked at other factors, researchers found vitamin D deficiency was highest in African American teenagers and during the winter months.

Thus researchers say they feel that proper screening and guidelines for supplementation for children need to be established because of its importance for skeletal and bodily functions.
