
Rasagiline - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions


Information about Rasagiline

Generic Name : Rasagiline
Up-to-date prescription details regarding Rasagiline are provided here.

Pronunciation : ra sa' ji leen

Learn the correct pronunciation of the Rasagiline, understand it's uses, recommended dosages, its indications, how to take, when to take, when not to take, side effects, special precautions, warnings and its and its storage instructions.
You will also find a list of the medication's International and Indian brand or trade names, as well as its pricing information. For verification of the information presented on this page or for additional clarifications, it's advisable to consult your doctor.

ICD Code : Y46.7 Therapeutic Classification : Antiparkinson Agents

Trade Names/Brand Names of Rasagiline

India :


International :


Why is Rasagiline Prescribed? (Indications)

This medication is an irreversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase, prescribed for Parkinson’s disease either alone or with other medications. It elevates the levels of certain chemicals in brain.

When should Rasagiline not be taken? (Contraindications)

It should not be used with meperidine, antitussive agent dextromethorphan, with any other MAO inhibitor; Known hypersensitivity.

What is the dosage of Rasagiline?

PO- The recommended dose is 0.5 or 1 mg daily.

How should Rasagiline be taken?

It comes as a tablet to take by mouth.

What are the warnings and precautions for Rasagiline?

• Caution should be exercised in patients with history of high blood pressure, skin cancer, mental illness or psychosis; kidney, or liver disease, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

• It may cause dizziness, drowsiness, lightheadedness, get up slowly from bed; avoid driving or any other harmful activities.

• It may cause an increase in blood pressure, monitor blood pressure level regularly.

What are the side effects of Rasagiline?

Heart- Chest pain and fainting.
Central Nervous System- Headache, depression, weakness, tingling, fainting, hallucinations, abnormal gait, anxiety, decreased libido, dizziness, restlessness, nerve disease and tremor.
Skin- Hair loss, skin cancer and rash.
Eye and ENT- Inflammation of eye and nose.
Gastrointestinal- Indigestion, stomach inflammation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, GI bleeding and vomiting.
Genitourinary- Presence of albumin in urine, blood in urine, impotence and urinary incontinence.
Blood- Bruising and decrease in white blood cells.
Liver- Abnormal liver function.
Musculoskeletal- Joint inflammation/pain, arthritis and neck pain.
Respiratory- Asthma and increased cough.
Miscellaneous- Falling, flu syndrome, fever, allergic reaction and chest pain.

What are the other precautions for Rasagiline?

Patient may develop with an increased risk of skin cancer, if it so, consult with your doctor.

What are the storage conditions for Rasagiline?

Store it at room temperature (25°C), and in an airtight container. Keep away from children.