Zika virus infection confers protection against future infection in monkeys, but lingers in the body of pregnant animals for prolonged periods of time.

‘Zika virus infection prolonged for 57 days in pregnant monkeys while it was present for 10 days in non-pregnant monkeys.’

In the two pregnant monkeys, however, Zika virus persisted in the blood for at least 57 days. The team then re-infected three of the non-pregnant monkeys with the same virus strain 10 weeks later and found they all were protected against infection. 

The results indicate that natural immunity may be sufficient to protect against future Zika infections in humans, and a vaccine that can mimic this immunity would likely be safe and provide similar protection, the authors write. The research team will continue to follow the pregnant monkeys to learn why the virus lingers in the body, and how this persistent infection relates to any potential fetal malformations or birth defects.