The first woman in the world to have frozen ovary tissue implanted back is a British woman, who suffered breast cancer and was left infertile after undergoing chemotherapy.

Professor Kutluk Oktay, a New York-based fertility pioneer, agreed to carry out the operation.
Leach, a former businesswoman from London, went under the knife in the U.S. after a series of consultations over the Internet via Skype, but she was warned that the chances of success are low.
Her ovary was cut open by the robot and the tissue, which had been removed and frozen before her chemotherapy treatment was stitched inside.
More pieces of tissue, which were too small to stitch in, were then injected into the other ovary by the pioneering equipment.
She was discharged from hospital within hours of the procedure.
"There is no hand tremor - this allows the surgeon to do fine suturing at microscopic levels without having to put patients through invasive surgery," Oktay stated.
The news will give new hope to thousands of women around the world who are left infertile after going through chemotherapy.