New study aimed at evaluating objective computer usage metrics as a proxy for workplace productivity using RSIGuard, an ergonomics monitoring software.

Individual and Organizational Strategies for Promoting Work-Life Balance for Sustainable Workforce: A Systematic Literature Review from Pakistan
Go to source). Now, a team of researchers at Texas A&M University has found objective evidence of this phenomenon in action.
‘Workers’ output varied depending on the time of day, with reduced work efficiency observed in the afternoons, especially on Fridays. #WorkplaceProductivity #Work-LifeBalance #EmployeeBurnout’

A recent interdisciplinary study at the Texas A&M School of Public Health used a novel method of data collection to show that employees are less active and more prone to mistakes on afternoons and Fridays, with Friday afternoons representing the lowest point of worker productivity. The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

How To Measure Productivity and Increase Efficiency in the Workplace
The researchers looked at the computer usage metrics of 789 in-office employees at a large energy company in Texas over two years — January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018.Most studies of worker productivity use employee self-reports, supervisory evaluations, or wearable technology, but these can be subjective and invasive. Instead, they used computer usage metrics — things like typing speed, typing errors, and mouse activity — to get objective, non-invasive data on computer work patterns.
The team then compared computer usage patterns across different days of the week and times of the day to see what kinds of patterns emerged.
They found that computer use increased during the week, then dropped significantly on Fridays. People typed more words and had more mouse movement, mouse clicks, and scrolls every day from Monday through Thursday, then less of this activity on Friday. In addition, computer use decreased every afternoon, especially on Friday afternoons (2✔ ✔Trusted Source
Examining workweek variations in computer usage patterns: An application of ergonomic monitoring software
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This aligns with similar findings that the number of tasks workers complete increases steadily from Monday through Wednesday, then decreases on Thursday and Friday. To start, flexible work arrangements, such as hybrid work or a four-day work week, may lead to happier and more productive employees.
Other studies have found that those who work from home or work fewer days have less stress from commuting, workplace politics, and other factors, and thus have more job satisfaction (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
Potential Benefits of Remote Working on Urban Mobility and Related Environmental Impacts: Results from a Case Study in Italy
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Not only that, but flexible work arrangements could boost the bottom line in other ways, such as reductions in electricity use, carbon footprint, and carbon dioxide emissions. Now these study findings can further help business leaders to identify strategies that optimize work performance and workplace sustainability.
- Individual and Organizational Strategies for Promoting Work–Life Balance for Sustainable Workforce: A Systematic Literature Review from Pakistan - (
- Examining workweek variations in computer usage patterns: An application of ergonomic monitoring software - (
- Potential Benefits of Remote Working on Urban Mobility and Related Environmental Impacts: Results from a Case Study in Italy - (