A new study conducted by scientists at Pew Research Center suggests that majority of workers view their work as the most important motivating factor in their jobs and not their pay packet.

Employees in the first decades of their working lives place more importance on opportunities for growth than do employees at or near the peak of their careers, the study, published in BusinessNewsDaily, added.
"Younger workers, who are at the time of their lives when most people marry and start raising a family, are also more likely to place a greater priority on values related to family and children," said Pew researchers.
The study, carried on 2,000 participants, also found that there are more gender differences among men and women regarding their desires to be in charge. Specifically, 52 percent of men, compared to 38 percent of women, aspire to be a boss one day.
The study revealed a similar pattern emerges when children are considered. Fathers are more likely than mothers to seek a top executive job, regardless of whether they have children younger than age 18, the study said.
The study also discovered that baby boomers are the least likely generation interested in being managers.