
Women With Low Self-Esteem Work Harder to Maintain a Relationship

by Kathy Jones on Apr 11 2013 7:09 PM

 Women With Low Self-Esteem Work Harder to Maintain a Relationship
A new study presented at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society on Wednesday suggested that women who had low self esteem were willing to work harder to keep hold of their man.
The study was conducted by researchers at University of Huddersfield who conducted an online survey involving 192 women between 18 and 60 years of age. The women were asked about their self esteem and relationship behavior.

The researchers found that women who had low self esteem or who felt less desirable than their partners worked hard to keep their relationship alive. While women who viewed themselves as attractive spent less time in enhancing their relationship, women with low self esteem put more effort in ensuring that their partners did not stray away or become involved with other women

“These results represent women who feel that they have fewer desirable qualities than their partners attempting to make up for this imbalance by investing more time, effort and economic resources in their relationships”, lead researcher Dr Chris Bale said.

