Sport a healthy glow on your faces dear men, because that is what makes you more attractive to women says a new study.

For instance, people of any race who eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables tend to have yellower hues, and people who are physically fit have more oxygenated-and thus, redder-blood and skin.
On the other hand, pallid skin with lesions is generally considered unattractive, perhaps because such traits betray a weak immune system, said study co-author Ian Penton-Voak, an experimental psychologist at the University of Bristol in the U.K.
Unexpectedly, the women in the study showed no preference for men with traditionally masculine features, such as a prominent jaw and high muscle mass, the researchers say.
"What we found is-to our surprise-when you measure masculinity, it doesn't bear any relation to attractiveness at all," National Geogra[hic News quoted Penton-Voak as saying.