Regular sunscreen use can retard the aging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, scientists from Australia found.
Regular sunscreen use can retard the aging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, scientists from Australia found. The first study in this area conducted in this world involved 900 young and middle-aged adults to evaluate the effects on the skin of people who applied SPF15+ sunscreen on most of the days. The results showed those who applied sunscreen regularly did not portray any effects of aging even after 4 1/2 years.
“Protecting yourself from skin cancer by using sunscreen regularly has the added bonus of keeping you looking younger. And the study has shown that up to middle age, it’s not too late to make a difference,” researchers said.
Sunscreen does provide an inexpensive alternative to looking fresh and this could be really worth it compared to the money spent on anti-wrinkle creams and lotions.
“This has been one of those beauty tips you often hear quoted, but for the first time we can back it with science. Protecting yourself from skin cancer by using sunscreen regularly has the added bonus of keeping you looking younger. And the study has shown that up to middle age, it’s not too late to make a difference,” she said.
This study has shown that regular sunscreen users experienced 24 percent less skin-aging than those who applied the cream sparingly.