
The Unpredictable Face Of Science

by Medindia Content Team on Jan 2 2006 5:44 PM

Medicine to common people is fascinating and altruistic. Something that is thought as a cure for a certain disease can be detrimental for the others.

Likewise skin cancers can be prevented by not exposing oneself in the sun on the other hand it is proved now that deficiency of Vitamin D (sun) is thought to be a causative agent of other cancers, heart diseases and illness resting due to reduced intake of sunlight.

Sun’s ultraviolet radiation provides vitamin D and lack of it results in colon and breast cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency is also related to schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and lung diseases.

It is reported that the more and more health news results in a very in a very confused and contradictory situations.

Another instance being coffee, which was reported to, cause heart disease but other studies proved that it has cancer-preventing antioxidants in it. Milk is rich in calcium an is essential for the development of bones on the other hand other studies prove that it has increased fat content which will block the arteries.

Science is very complex and to be health one has do be familiar with the balancing act to balance one risk against the other.

It is not known whether these are the net results of the latest strategies taken up by the cosmetic industry to increase their sun block sales.

On the other hand whether these are due to the pharmaceutical companies, which try to boost their sales of dietary supplements.

Vitamin D intakes are boosted after the result of this study claiming that deficiency of Vitamin D not only prevents arthritis and osteoporosis but also prevents risks of certain types of cancers thereby preventing premature deaths due to colon, breast, ovarian and other cancers.

But this is true with only a group of population. A study on vitamin D to identify cause and effect relationship is very difficult to establish. But the role played by diet alone is difficult to establish as various factors are involved.

In conclusion it is said that scientific advice can never be unbiased. Scientists are either promoting an industry or their career by finding and proposing new theories.
