
Dental implants are turning to gain popularity

by Medindia Content Team on Apr 30 2002 4:57 PM

According to a new survey shows that Americans are opting for dental implants to replace problem teeth. If you lose a tooth through accident, injury or decay, the traditional solution to the problem is to go for dentures - artificial teeth fixed on a bridge that is inserted into the mouth. But implants teeth inserted into the gum and bone by surgery are growing in popularity according to the American Dental Association's latest survey.

They found that the number of surgically-placed implants increased by 40 per cent between 1990 and 2000. Implants are a good option in that they give you natural-looking teeth that are securely placed. But bear in mind that you need good gums, and a jawbone in good condition too, because implants do require surgery. You also need to be very careful about dental hygiene after the implant surgery.
