
Retro Running Is Found To Be More Advantageous

by Medindia Content Team on May 27 2006 4:19 PM

Exercise is a good way of relieving stress and providing the mind with a positive focus. A number of studies have shown that exercise can lift a person's spirits , and there is even evidence that physical activity can aid in treating clinical depression. Exercise helps in the reduction of anger, fatigue and tension, as well as increased vigor. Of late Retro walking or running has become popular among health freaks. It is said that retro exercise doesn't put as much strain on the knees while it strengthens abdominal and back muscles. It stretches and strengthens the hamstrings and quadriceps, resulting in improved balance between the two muscle groups.

Retro jogging as it is otherwise called burns more calories than the casual forward jogging. According to the professor Barry T. Bates who is in the biomechanics department at the University of Oregon it is retro running which has significantly helped people to recover from knee-joint surgery and injuries ranging from the ankle to the groin. Gary Gray, a physical therapist in Adrian, Mich, also asks his patients to continue with backward exercise as it is helpful in the long run. It is beneficial to the heart, lungs, muscles and joints.
