Number of COVID-19 cases in the United States reached 905,364, and a total of 52,042 deaths related to the disease were recorded.

‘New York remains the hardest-hit state by COVID-19, with 271,590 cases and 21,411 deaths. New Jersey follows, with 102,196 cases and 5,683 deaths. Other states with over 40,000 cases include Massachusetts, California, and Pennsylvania.
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Worldwide, more than 200,000 people died of the disease as of Saturday, among over 2.8 million cases, showed the CSSE data. Read More..

The United States suffered the most fatalities. Italy followed with 26,384 deaths. Spain reported 22,902 deaths, France and Britain also reported over 20,000 deaths.
The US states and federal government are trying very hard to balance the public health risk posed by the virus with the severe cost of month-odd shutting down of the country's economy.
The Congressional Budget Office said Friday that the unemployment rate around the country, which was near a 50-year low before the coronavirus struck, will surge to 16 percent by September as the economy withers under the impact of the outbreak.
More than 26 million Americans have applied for unemployment benefits since March.
Over a dozen states, including Georgia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Colorado, and Iowa, are moving toward restarting their economies this weekend with some restrictions.
Several states have announced plans to coordinate their response with neighbors. California is moving forward in coordination with Washington and Oregon, while governors from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island announced plans to form a joint task force.
A CBS News poll published Thursday said that 70 percent of respondents believed the country's top priority should be trying to "slow the spread of coronavirus by keeping people home and social distancing, even if the economy is hurt in the short term."
The virus was likely to be spreading in multiple US cities "far earlier" than Americans knew, according to new research.
"Even in early February -- while the world focused on China -- the virus was not only likely to be spreading in multiple American cities but also seeding blooms of infection elsewhere in the United States, the researchers found," said a report by The New York Times on Thursday.
In the five major US cities -- New York City, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, and Seattle, as of March 1, there were only 23 confirmed cases of the coronavirus.
However, according to a model of the spread of the disease by researchers at Northeastern University, "there could have actually been about 28,000 infections in those cities by then," the report said.
The virus spread on the West Coast of the United States weeks earlier than initially believed, according to new information released by Santa Clara County, California, on Tuesday.
Patricia Dowd, a 57-year-old San Jose woman, died at home on February 6.
Jeffrey V. Smith, Santa Clara County executive, told Xinhua in an email interview that "so far, this is the earliest death in the United States."
Dowd and another 69-year-old man who died at home on Feb. 17 had no "significant travel history," and they presumably caught the virus through community spread, said the county's public health officer, Dr. Sara Cody.
"These patients apparently contracted the illness from community spread. This suggests that the virus was circulating in the Bay Area in January, at least, probably earlier," Smith told Xinhua.
Previously, the first known US death from the virus was on February 29 in Kirkland in Washington state.