A new research study titled Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype-5 Delivery to the Rat Trigeminal Ganglion will be presented today

Rats survived 2, 6 and 10 weeks (n=2/group). Viral particles delivered = 3x109 for 2 week subjects; 1.5x1010 for 6 and 10 week subjects. AAV-5 transduction, as detected by GFP staining, was present in the trigeminal system including TG sensory neurons, IO nerve peripheral processes and in central processes throughout the TSN, including the main sensory nucleus and trigeminal spinal nucleus, in 6 and 10 week survival subjects, but not in 2 week survival subjects.
Direct delivery of AAV-5 into TG sensory neurons can be accomplished by IO foramen injection and results in sensory neuron transduction including presence of protein (i.e. GFP) in peripheral and central processes. These results support the use of AAV-5 based gene therapy approaches to evaluate the role of target proteins and as a possible future treatment approach in trigeminal pain disorders.