There has been a shift in the workplace as a result of advances in technology. Technology has made it more feasible for employees to keep contact with work.

‘Work-life balance is assisted by employers who institute policies, procedures and actions that enable employees to easily pursue more balanced lives. Organisations investing in workplace technology are more likely to be successful in the market.’

The survey engaged almost 5,000 office workers from 10 countries across the Asia-Pacific region including close to 700 respondents from India. 

It examined how the roles of people, experiences and machines are evolving and transforming workplaces. The survey indicates that organisations investing in workplace technology are more likely to be successful in the market.
"Businesses today are strategically investing in workplace technologies to drive productivity and deliver a compelling experience for employees," said Abdul Jaleel, Vice President, Employee Experience - India, at Adobe.
The research revealed that 50 percent of office workers in India rate access to cutting-edge technology at the workplace above perks like food and slick office design.
Conducted between October 17 and November 13, the survey included working professionals from various sectors including healthcare, manufacturing, banking/finance, technology/telecom and media & entertainment across 10 countries -- Australia, New Zealand, India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.