
Sitting at Work for Long Periods Linked to Early Death

by Kathy Jones on Oct 16 2014 3:57 PM

 Sitting at Work for Long Periods Linked to Early Death
A new study conducted by researchers at University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre has found that employees who sit for long periods of time while doing work have a greater risk of early death which could be avoided by replacing sitting with walking or other moderate vigorous physical activity.
The study was led by Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis who said that replacing one hour of sitting with even light physical activity, such as walking for an hour, can reduce the mortality risk by as much as 14 percent.

Professor Stamatakis called on organizations to find out ways to incorporate some sort of movement into the daily office routine. The study will be presented at the Be Active 2014 conference in Canberra.

“It’s absolutely imperative to find ways to incorporate some sort of movement into the daily office routine, even if only of a light intensity. I believe in 20 to 30 years we will look back and be horrified that we imposed so many hours of sitting on our workers, just so that they can make a living”, Professor Stamatakis said.

