
Serviceman Serves the People-Even After Death

by Thilaka Ravi on Jan 28 2010 3:21 PM

The family of Sri. Govardhan Naidu, an ex serviceman has consented to donate his organs after his died this week.

On Republic Day, the nation usually honours the family members of the armed forces personnel who laid down their lives while defending the country. The family of Sri. Govardhan Naidu is yet another one that truly deserves honours from every caring Indian.

Mr.Naidu, a 43 year old ex-serviceman, who served the Army for several years, has always been in the forefront of serving the country. On 25th January, he complained of giddiness and headache when he was taken to a nearby hospital in Hyderabad. Despite a lot of medications and continuous medical care from senior doctors, Govardhan was diagnosed as having an intracerebral bleed, and finally, declared ‘Brain Dead’ on the morning of 27th January. Dr. Manimala Rao, Senior Consulting Anaesthetist and Intensivist explained to the family that he was brain dead and that he has no chances of recovery? As Dr. Manimala Rao is an active Adviser of MOHAN Foundation, she also solicited the family to consider eye and organ donation. Thereafter, she requested Mr. Raghuram of MOHAN Foundation to counsel the family and take care of the formalities thereafter.

Mr. Raghuram swung into action and motivated Govardhan’s wife, Lata, to donate his eyes and organs. As Govardhan had signed up for an eye donation, she immediately consented for eye donation. Govardhan’s elder brother, Chiranjeevi, explained to Lata about the noble deed of organ donation, and convinced her to donate organs along with eyes. Finally, she consented to donate organs.

Mr. Chiranjeevi proudly remembers his younger brother as a very committed worker and a disciplinarian. He fondly recollects him as a benevolent giver, and said, “in his death too, he has been a giver?”

Govardhan’s kidneys, liver, heart valves and eyes were retrieved early morning of January 28th , that will breathe fresh life in patients that are eagerly waiting for the life saving organ?

Submitted by MOHAN Foundation

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