
Rubber Rings and Armbands too Risky for UK Pools!

by VR Sreeraman on Jul 26 2007 12:47 PM

The Institute of Sport and Recreation Management (ISRM) says that swimming equipment such as the rubber ring and armbands are just too risky for use.

The ban comes from none other than the Institute of Sport and Recreation Management (ISRM) which has now laid down new rules.

The officials have also said that staff in the leisure centres will have to undergo training again to conform to the new set of guidelines

However, some find the new rules ridiculous, for the use of the equipments dates back to several decades.

"The time honoured practice of mums and dads blowing up armbands has been going on for decades without people keeling over from contagious illnesses,” the Mirror quoted an angry source, as saying.

To meet the new guidelines, every centre has to undertake a thorough check on inflatable equipments and also make a hygiene scheme.

Instructions have also been circulated to educate staff about the risks involved in inflatable swimming gears and to ensure that right band size is given for kids.

"To set up a facility where we could give out armbands would be a very complex operation where all staff would have to be fully trained," The council said.

"This is not health and safety gone mad. It makes sense. If you are giving armbands to children you have a responsibility to make sure they're fit for purpose,” The ISRM said.

