India's proposed coal plants will almost single-handedly jeopardise the internationally agreed-upon climate target of avoiding more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

‘India's proposed coal plants will almost single-handedly jeopardise the internationally agreed-upon climate target of avoiding more than 1.5 degrees Celsius of mean global warming.’

The choices that India, or any country, makes with regard to its energy consumption may have global consequences, according to the resarchers. 

"India is facing a dilemma of its own making," said study co-author Steven Davis, Associate Professor of Earth System Science at University of California, Irvin in the US.
"The country has vowed to curtail its use of fossil fuels in electricity generation, but it has also put itself on a path to building hundreds of coal-burning power plants to feed its growing industrial economy," Davis said.
Further, by developing all of the planned coal-fired capacity, India would boost the share of fossil fuels in its energy budget by 123 per cent.
India has pledged to the international community to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released per unit of gross domestic product by as much as 35 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030 and to increase renewable energy in its power grids.
"We've done calculations to figure out that India's Paris pledges might be met if it built these plants and only ran them 40 percent of the time, but that'd be a colossal waste of money, and once built, there'd be huge incentives to run the plants more despite the nation's contrary climate goals," Davis said.
The researchers pointed out that choices that individual countries make in regard to their energy mix have planetwide consequences.
"India's proposed coal plants will almost single-handedly jeopardise the internationally agreed-upon climate target of avoiding more than 1.5 degrees Celsius of mean global warming," Davis said.
Researchers from CoalSwarm - a project of US-based non-profit Earth Island Institute - also contributed to the study.