The leading word in the Macquarie Dictionary's Word of the Year 2011 poll is 'fracking' which is emerging as the favourite new word for majority of people.

Fracking - when fractures are made in rock by pressurised chemically treated water mixed with sand to extract oil or gas - has received the most number of votes, closely followed by "burqini", a swimsuit to hide the modesty of Muslim women.
"Photobombing", "food coma" and "food porn" make up the top five, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Other words or phrases, like "soy cap intelligentsia" and "planking", come from a wide range of categories including politics, health, environment and the Internet.
Macquarie Dictionary editor Susan Butler asserted that the shortlist came from words that were included in the annual update of the online dictionary last year.
"These words are words that have gone into the dictionary - they are real words," she said, adding they give a good reflection of our society for a particular year and the issues that were talked about.
"Guyliner" (when eyeliner is used by a man) and "meggings" (leggings for men) are other words that feature in the fashion section," she added.