Research from University of Haifa has shown that the levels of emotional intelligence in private sectors are higher as compared to those in public sectors, and therefore,

Results showed a higher level of organizational politics as well as political skills in the public sector, but no significant differences in employees' emotional intelligence level.
He did not find any correlation between emotional intelligence and perceived organizational politics in the public sector but emotional intelligence was found to reduce perceptions of organizational politics in the private sector.
Meisler also found that those in public sector were likelier to use forceful influence tactics, regardless of their emotional intelligence level.
The study also revealed that in the private sector, emotional intelligence contributes to forming desirable attitudes towards the organization, such as organizational justice, satisfaction at work and emotional commitment to the organization.
High levels of emotional intelligence also reduce negative attitudes, such as burnout, intentions to leave and the tendency to neglect work. The impact of emotional intelligence in the public sector, on the other hand, was not as strong.