Practo Ray app will help physicians, pediatricians and dentists to digitally prescribe drugs, conduct tests, vaccination reminders and schedule appointments.

‘Practo Ray app will enable doctors to digitally prescribe lab tests and generate lab reports and has a commonly used-drug database for easier prescription.

The Practo Ray-Physicians feature will enable doctors to digitally prescribe lab tests and generate digital lab reports. It also includes nearly 100,000 commonly prescribed medicines and brands, making it easier for a doctor to quickly find and prescribe the right medicine.

The regular reminder notification feature ensures that the patient does not miss their medicine dosage and also follow up on the treatment advice on time.
Practo Ray-Pediatricians feature will help immunize children on time. It uses five automated WHO standard growth charts. These records will be stored on the child’s Practo account and can be accessed, updated and shared with other doctors as and when required.
“It helps the parents to document their child’s growth pattern including height-for-age, weight-for-age weight-for-height and body mass index-for-age,” Practo added.
The module would also enable parents to receive automated vaccination reminders by simply filling in the child’s date of birth. The software would generate a vaccination schedule for 10 years automatically.
Over the next few months, Practo Ray will cover more specialties including ophthalmology and gynecology. The new specialties are available in India, Singapore and Philippines.