Gastric cancer samples with MUC16 mutations exhibited significantly greater tumor mutation burdens than those without MUC16 mutations.

He and his co-authors stress the implications that this and other proven biomarkers have on the ability of oncologists to design cancer treatments most likely to succeed. Their findings, for example, could serve to open immunotherapy options for up to 38% of gastric cancer patients.
In addition to having supported Wake Forest's Wei Zhang, Ph.D., the article's lead author and a fellow of the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) efforts, NFCR too is associated with the study by nature of the TBF-derived tissues and data, which comprised sizable portions of the Asian cohort's total makeup. Originally known as the Joint Tissue Banking Facility, NFCR and TMUCIH in 2006 together launched what, until at least as late as 2012, had been the largest tissue bank in China. There, they collected and stored cancer tissues with annotated clinical information, as well as conducted research on gastric cancer, currently the world's fifth most common cancer and its third leading cause of cancer death.
A 2015 gastric cancer study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Scientists, whose authors included Dr. Zhang and other NFCR-affiliated scientists, too relied upon tissue samples and data tracing back to the Joint TBF.