What makes a relationship work such that it lasts a lifetime ?- A new book by American relationship therapists Charlie and Linda shows the way.

'Secrets of Great Marriages', a collection of first-person accounts from 27 couples considered to have extraordinary relationships, was published this year.
The Blooms came close to divorce a couple of times during their marriage. But what kept them together is the mutual desire to move past the hurdles of a marriage and truly be happy with each other.
"It's not commitment to the marriage or commitment to staying together.
"It's commitment to the process of using this relationship to grow and make something of our lives that's greater than it could have been if we'd been on our own," The Age quoted Charlie as saying.
"We made a pact early on that we would live the growth model of a relationship rather than the comfort/security model," Linda said.
'Q: What's the difference between a good marriage and a great marriage?
Q: A big concern couples often have is that the passion will wane. What are realistic expectations for the fire, and how do you keep it burning?
Charlie: The fire does cool, thank God. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. ... There's a difference between having a deep relationship and a hot relationship. Sometimes you can have both. Part of it is a cultural thing where we are adrenaline junkies and people are terrified of not having enough stimulation. But stimulation is not all it's cracked up to be. These couples (in the book) stimulated each other in ways that they didn't when they were younger. It's a function of how alive they stay in life.
Q: Is there such a thing as being too independent from each other?
Charlie: There is such a thing as too much separateness. There should be a mutually satisfying degree of separateness and togetherness. Most good couples, they just like each other, they just enjoy each other's company, so naturally they will want to spend time together. But if one person is working at a job that takes her away for long periods of time, but when she comes back she is able to be really present with her partner, then that may work for them.
Linda: When people are able to attend social functions separately, it can be a good sign. There's enough trust in the relationship and closeness in the relationship that they don't have to hold onto each other so tight.
Q: How do you know when it's time to cut bait?
Charlie: There are relationships that really can't and shouldn't be saved. But I believe that most couples that divorce, divorce before they've really given the marriage their best shot. If they had hung in there longer, there's a chance they may have been able to salvage it,' reports The Age.