
Nine-year-old Girl Left With IPhone-Shaped Scar on Her Leg

by Bidita Debnath on Jan 14 2016 1:58 AM

 Nine-year-old Girl Left With IPhone-Shaped Scar on Her Leg
Nine-year-old Olivia Retter, from Ware, Herts, suffered the horror chemical burn on her leg after liquid leaked from the cover of her iPhone 5c while she slept on it.
Now her shocked mum is on the rampage – warning other parents of the dangers with a 13,000-strong Facebook campaign. Doctors have said it is a severe chemical burn and she will be scarred for life – I still can't believe it.

Olivia bought the £5.99 phone case decorated with unicorns and rainbows from the New Look store in Cambridge on December 27. She fell asleep with her phone lying in the bed next to her on January 2. When she woke up the following morning she found a painful red burn on her right thigh.

Upon inspection, the schoolgirl then realised the clear liquid inside the phone case had leaked onto her bare skin. There was no visible crack which showed exactly where it had escaped from, but was found along the edge of the £400 handset. Karly rushed Olivia to the doctor who confirmed her injury was a severe chemical burn caused by acid.

She was given dressings to wear but told she will be left with the outline of the phone scarred on her body forever. There wasn't a safety warning or anything at all on the case itself – nothing which warns you what was inside is a chemical which can cause serious burns.

Karly chose to share the image of her daughter's scarring online as a warning to other parents who may be looking an buying similar cases.

