University of Texas medical branch at Galveston researchers have discovered a new antiviral mechanism for dengue therapeutics.

‘New structural information on dengue virus could enable to make compounds with improved potency and drug-like properties.’
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When someone becomes ill with dengue, symptoms that can range from mild to severe may include fever, nausea/vomiting, rash and muscle/bone/joint aches. Despite this, there are no clinically approved drugs currently available to people who become infected.Read More..

In this study, the UTMB team has solved the co-crystal structure of the dengue capsid protein, which forms the interior of virus, in complex with an inhibitor.
The co-crystal structure has provided atomic details of how the inhibitor binds the capsid protein and blocks its normal function, leading to the inhibition of viral infection. The structural information has opened new avenues to rationally design inhibitors for antiviral development.
"There are four types of dengue virus, all of which can cause epidemics and disease in humans. The current inhibitor does not inhibit all types of dengue virus. Our co-crystal structure explains why this is the case," said Pei-Yong Shi, I.H. Kempner professor of Human Genetics at UTMB.
"Using this new information, we will be able to design new drugs that can inhibit all types of dengue virus. In addition, the structural information will also enable us to make compounds with improved potency and drug-like properties."
Our study also explains how resistance emerges when dengue virus is treated with the inhibitor. A resistant virus emerges through one amino acid change that weakens the compound binding to the viral capsid protein."
"Although we are currently coping with COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore and other regions are experiencing a record number of dengue human cases. This motivates our team to develop clinical treatments for this devasting disease."