Latest iPhone app allows indecisive girlfriends to go over their feelings towards their boyfriend from an objective slant.

Gray said that she realised she was up and down on a daily basis and wanted to track her feelings about the relationship from an objective perspective.
The clever app requires girlfriends to rate how they feel about their significant other on a daily basis as well as recording their feelings.
It then analyses the data and reveals how the user's feelings fluctuated in comparison to their general outlook on life.
"Being able to see your relationship clearly and objectively is the first step on the path to a happy, healthy, love life - whether it's with him, with someone else, or on your own for a while," the Daily Mail quoted Gray as saying.
"Sometimes, we need an objective voice to help us appreciate a good thing or accept something painful. And this app helps us tap into the best voice of all - the one inside ourselves," she said.
Users can also share results with trusted friends via email or SMS.
When viewed afterwards, developers MercuryApp hope the patterns will have more impact and help provide answers.
"We're quick to forget or dismiss past feelings that don't fi t in with our current mood, which is why seeing larger patterns can give you insight you might not have in the moment," Gray added.
Her own results showed that her mood was 'good' only 39 percent of the time and neutral for the rest.
In the end, Gray believes that this simple but scientific analysis helped her to end a rocky relationship and move forward for good.