Patients whose self-assessment of mental health was low suffered more high grade complications in the 30 days following radical cystectomy.

‘Patients whose self-assessment of mental health was low suffered more high grade complications in the 30 days following bladder cancer surgery than patients with higher self-assessments.’

Using a quality of life survey, the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (SF-12), patients appraised their own health and quantified the effects of disease and treatment on their overall well-being. The SF-12 is a standardized, validated questionnaire that measures composite scores for physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) components of health. 

This study showed a relevant association between patient reported mental health status and high grade complications after RC for patients with bladder cancer. In 274 patients who had undergone RC and had completed the SF-12, MCS was statistically significantly lower in those who had a high grade 30-day complication rate (44.8 vs 49.8, p=0.004) but PCS was not (39.2 vs 43.8, p=0.06).
Dr. Gilbert said, "Recognition of poor preoperative mental health may represent a potential signal warranting more proactive recognition and assessment preoperatively."