A medical marijuana dispensary in California is offering a new kind of ice cream - one that is pot-infused.

Its owner, Jonathan Kolodinski, said customers can choose from three flavours, the Banannabis Foster, Straw-Mari Cheesecake and Triple Chocolate Brownie, and he added that more flavours are coming up.
Kolodinski said he was offering the ice cream as a healthy alternative to patients who do not want to smoke medical marijuana.
"Everybody who's tried it has said they absolutely love it. A lot of people come back for seconds, thirds and fourths," the Daily Mail quoted him as saying.
The cost for one tub is 15 dollars, and Kolodinski said that each contains two to four "doses" of cannabis, which is the equivalent of smoking eight joints.
He said that the store is very careful to warn patients of the contents of the ice cream tub, and that patients have to carry a card given to them by their doctor to buy the medicinal marijuana.
California's medical marijuana industry, known as "cannibusiness", generates about 2 billion dollars a year.