A US grand jury has handed down a 15-count indictment to a Indian origin student at New Jersey University after he was accused of livestreaming his roommate's gay liaisons on the Internet. Dharun Ravi, a former Rutgers University freshman, had allegedly used a webcam on September 19, 2010, to capture Tyler Clementi having a gay sexual encounter.
Clementi jumped to his death off the George Washington Bridge three days later.
Prior to his suicide, Clementi had written on Facebook that he was being harassed by his dormitory resident assistant and other university officials.
Middlesex County prosecutor Bruce Kaplan said Ravi faces two counts of invasion of privacy and two counts of attempted invasion of privacy for using a webcam to view Clementi's intimate encounter with another man, the New York Post reports.
Both are third- and fourth-degree offenses that carry a sentence of up to five years in prison, Kaplan said in a statement.
He was also charged with two counts of second-degree bias and two counts of third-degree bias. A second-degree offense could carry about five to 10 years in prison, Kaplan said.