Heat therapy may be a useful alternative form of cardiovascular conditioning for individuals with peripheral artery disease, revealed new research.

‘Heat therapy may be a useful alternative form of cardiovascular conditioning for individuals with peripheral artery disease.

The researchers studied two small groups of adults with mild-to-moderate claudication. One group was encouraged to attend twice-weekly exercise sessions. During each session, the volunteers walked for up to 30 minutes on an indoor course and performed up to 60 minutes of circuit exercises. The other group participated in spa bathing three to five days a week. The volunteers were encouraged to submerge up to their shoulders in a pool of 102-degree water for 20 to 30 minutes. The research team measured walking ability, blood pressure, heart rate, blood volume, oxygen levels in muscle tissues, peripheral artery blood flow and function and quality of life before and after the sessions. 

The researchers found improvements in walking ability and blood pressure among the volunteers. “Contrary to our hypothesis, there was no difference evident between the effects observed in heat therapy via spa bathing and a supervised exercise program,” the research team wrote. “Further studies to confirm the clinical benefits of heat therapy will be required along with the refinement of systems to provide heat therapy in a safe and efficient way,” they added.