Sale of horsemeat is banned in Australia , yet the country has been exporting more than 40,000 horses for consumption abroad.

"What we are doing is perfectly legal. There is just an emotional connection to it," quoted Stewart White from the Australian Association of Food Professionals, who organised the dinner for 20 guests, as saying.
"We have an aversion to anything Disney made a movie of," he said.
Earlier this year Vince Garreffa of Mondo Di Carne gourmet butchers in Perth offered the country's first horses for human consumption, but soon after he was approved to sell it, he received several threats.
Last week Mondo's sent out a vacuum-packed 10kg shipment for some interested food industry professionals to try in Sydney.
The meat sells for anything from 19.50 dollars a kilo for mortadella to 90 dollars per kg for fillet.