The real difference between how men and women choose their partners has been revealed in a new study.
The real difference between how men and women choose their partners has been revealed in a new study. According to the study by researchers from Concordia University, men respond more strongly to the "framing effect" when it comes to physical attractiveness, while women are more attuned to negatively framed information due to an evolutionary phenomenon called 'parental investment theory.
Concordia marketing professor Gad Saad said that for women, choosing someone who might be a poor provider or an unloving father would have serious consequences on them and their offspring, so they have hypothesized that women would naturally be more leery of negatively framed information when evaluating a prospective mate.
The study found that attractive body was more important to men along with an attractive face, and earning potential and ambition were more important to women, while kindness and intelligence were equally important to both.
The study was published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.